

I am ordained in the State of Louisiana to officiate weddings. Are you ready to take that leap of faith into the next chapter of your life if you cannot contain yourself and abstain from fornication? I Corinthians 7:8-9.


I am ordained to perform through the profession of your faith and in obedience to God to baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Are you ready to take that leap of faith into the next chapter of your life which would be pleasing to God? Acts 2:38.


I am ordained to perform your final act of service concerning your loved one. Are you interested in speaking with me about this service? 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.


Behind every challenge lies an opportunity for unparalleled assistance. I understand the intricacies of your needs and are committed to providing prompt assistance every step of the way. Need prayer? Click here to submit a prayer request for you or someone else. Prayer changes things! James 5:16

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